This is a heterogenous group of many types of fungi whose normal sexual stage (also called perfect stage) is absent or unknown. But in many of them heterokaryosis and pansexuality have been reported. Due to lack of information about the normal sexual stage these fungi cannot be assigned to the three main classes of fungi which have already been described. Since these fungi apparently lack sexual stage, they are called Fungi Imperfecti or Deuteromycetes and have been taxonomically categorized as Form-class Deuteromycetes adding the prefix form to the taxonomic category class and categories below the rank—class. The use of the prefix form indicates an entirely artificial and temporary grouping of these fungi. This form-class is entirely artificial and has been created for the temporary grouping of these fungi pending discovery of perfect stage that they belong either to the Ascomycetes or the Basidiomycetes. Many of these fungi may be reduced forms and might have lost the power to reproduce sexually.
But, in general, it has been seen that a large number of fungi whose sexual stage was not worked out and hence are grouped for long time under the Form-class Deuteromycetes. In course of time and investigation perfect stages of some of them have been worked out. When the perfect stage of a fungus previously referred to the Deuteromycetes is discovered, depending on the nature of spore produced by karyogamy and meiosis, the organism is transferred to the appropriate class of fungi. According to the rules of nomenclature, a name based on the perfect stage always takes precedence over one based on an imperÂfect stage, regardless of which name is the older. In the phvlogenetic classification scheme based upon the oospore, zygospore, ascospore, and basidiospore there is no space for the fungi solely reproducing asexually. They have been given the name Fungi Imperfecti or Deuteromycetes. By this was formerly meant that these forms were ‘incomplete’ in their life cycles, lacking the sexual or perfect stage. It also meant that they were incompletely known but that the future would bring us more complete data regarding the sexual stage.
It is very much established that these imperfect stages are not autonomic (i.e., independent) species, but are connected with a sexual stage, whether this stage is known or not. It must not be overlooked, however, that some of them may lack the perfect stage, i.e., that the fungus always lives in its asexual stage, the reason being that they never produced spores by sexual method or that this power has been lost. In the broadest sense the Fungi Imperfect include all the existing fungi which reproduce solely by asexual means and even those of the fungi which produce no spores at all. These organisms are placed in so-called form-genera with form-species, which are based on certain morphological characters. But their true relationships being not known and hence they do not represent natural groups of fungi. The form-genera are included under form families which are again placed under form-orders of which the highest taxonomic category is form-class.
A large proportion of the fungi which have been removed from the Deuteromycetes on discovery of the perfect stage prove to be Ascomycetes but some, on the contrary, are Basidiomycetes. Even though the zygospore or oospore stages of certain Phycomycetes have never been observed, these species are commonly placed among the Phycomycetes rather than among the Deuteromycetes. This is because of the aseptate nature of hyphae.
Dedicated to:
|  |
Dr. B. D. Borse sir |
| Dr. D. J. Bhat sir |
About Database
The Indian Deuteromycetes (IDD) is a simple reference database.
Beinig a database of references, the structure of this relational database is very simple and easy to use.
Each record in the database has a unique identification number. For example, 'IDD123' stands for 'Unique Identification number 123'. In addition to this identification number there is another identification number which uniquely identifies individual species. This number is called 'IMD' number. This number is useful since there can be more than one references to a single individual species. For example, there are two records for Abortiporus biennis. Thus this record has two UIDs, viz. UID99 and UID729. But the species has single unique IDD number IDD.
1. Search : Users can build simple as well as complex queries. The search results are alphabettically arranged according to generic and specific names. The IMD numbers are also given in the search results.
2. Browse : Database can be browsed by three hierarchical catagories viz. Family, Genus and Species. In addition to this, all records can also be browsed at a time. The number of sub entries are shown at each level of browsing.
Above two options allow the users to query the database in varied ways.
All information of a particular record can be viewed in a card viewer which opens in the same page by clicking on a name in the search/browse result.
The Indian Deuteromycetes Database (IDD) has been linked to MycoBank.
Database Management System : MySQL 5.0
Server : Apache 2.2
Server side script : PHP
Cleint side script : javascript
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Database statistics
Number of Families | : | 86 | Number of Genus | : | 179 | Total number of Species | : | 611 | Total number of records | : | 694 |
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   Dr. Kiran Ramchandra Ranadive
   [Fungal data collection , compilation, editing    and website layout designing]
Neeta Jagtap
   [Data feeding & editing]